Please request an application to be placed on our housing waiting list.

Welcome to PEACE Atlanta,Inc.
Perseverance. Elevation.
Accountability. Change. Empathy.
A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Supportive Housing Program
Please request an application to be placed on our housing waiting list.
Perseverance. Elevation.
Accountability. Change. Empathy.
A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Supportive Housing Program
Check out our 16 month recap!
*5 Star Rating on Google*
Mission Statement:
It is our mission to transform lives, reduce homelessness and recidivism rates while promoting growth and lifelong structure.
Who We Are:
We are a dedicated supportive housing organization, focused on assisting individuals who have mental health issues, veterans with disabilities and individuals who have been released from state incarceration. Our mission is to help rebuild individuals' lives and provide them with the tools to contribute positively to society.
Our organization provides low income/affordable housing which is the key necessity for basic living.
Our Objectives
● To Increase self-esteem, sense of self control, and promote positive identity and awareness of self through structured housing services
● To give participants the tools they need to develop and enhance professional and personal relationships. Become better at communication, decision making, problem solving and social skills
● To encourage residents to develop friendships and to build a strong bond within the community
● To shed awareness and decrease involvement in risky behaviors such as violence and substance abuse
● To increase employment rates, college enrollment and GED enrollment.
Our 2023 Wish List!
• Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
• Sheets or Comforters
• Dish soap/laundry detergent
• Walmart Gift Cards (To be used as incentive for residents who complete at least 90
days in our program)
• Monetary Donations (click to fund button)
We provide affordable housing which is deemed to be affordable to those with a median household income or below as rates by the national government or local government.
housing available for veterans, women and children and individuals transitioning through the mental health court system.
PEACE Atlanta, Inc, will assist residents with resume writing,interview preparation and interview attire. We work with third party vendors that provide employment opportunities and provide job fair information.
Life skills are abilities needed to adapt to the challenges and changes of everyday life.
Community involvement allows the residents to continue to contribute to society and leave a positive mark on local businesses the community as a whole.
Complimentary internal life coaching services are included during the residents stay or residents may choose to utilize our 3rd party referrals that will discuss any mental health concerns, promote overall wellness, education, and determine career goals.
PEACE Atlanta will provide the resident with a detailed budget form before the end of their term with our organization. We will outline day to day living expenses, savings accounts, life insurance, student loans, credit card debt and/or childcare expenses.
Lack of accountability is a lack of integrity.
- Charon Leonard, Founder
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